Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Fabulous Baker Boys

I am the forever proud, albeit always exhausted, mother of four fabulous sons.  Yes, I can hear the giggles and some outright laughter, they are the original Fabulous Baker Boys.

No, I haven't seen the movie - yet.  However, it is on my list of things to do.  You know that list.  The one for when you have absolutely nothing else to do on any other list.  So far I've never actually been able to check anything off that list, but I'm not worried.  I'm sure if and/or when that day ever surfaces, there will be some type of electronic device (that's probably not even invented yet) available to play that movie for me.  A part of me always worried that the movie would be so horrible - think along the lines of the movie "Kung Pow! Enter the Fist" - that I would ever be able to address my sons or hear them called the fabulous Baker Boys again without cringing.

When you bring that beautiful, soft skinned, sweet smelling, baby home from the hospital, you think you have forever to teach and instill in them everything they will need to know.  (Oh my goodness that smell of a brand new baby is so ethereal!  I've decided God disburses that same incredibly fantastic smell, that no laboratory has ever been able to recreate, on every single baby born, because in a fraction of second that angelic bundle of joy can, and at some point does, turn into a screaming, stinking - literally, projectile puking, diaper blowing, life sucking - oh my goodness will I ever survive this - product of your love. Sorry, about that off-track tangent, but there isn't any mother on the face of this earth that hasn't experienced what I'm talking about.)

Well, maybe you were smart enough to know better, but I personally was living in disillusional happy land! You don't have forever.  Not even close.  You have what seems upon reflection to be more like three and a half weeks.  Be careful, you blink twice and they are out of college and making their own way down life's path.

Wow, and to think all of that was just to say - My son's read my first blog yesterday.  And while they found humor in it (and too long of paragraphs for #4's liking), they weren't really sure how it all tied in to Erma.  Because you see, I found - much to my dismay - another area that I had completely failed as a mother.  Given the time constraints I had to teach them EVERYTHING, I failed to introduce them to Erma Bombeck.  Yes, each and every one of the Baker Boys, said "Good blog mom, but who's Erma".  Seriously?!?!  Seriously?!?!  Are you freaking kidding me!!!

After reading their texts, I called each one of them and shared a condensed version of her life, accomplishments, and why I love this woman so much.  Their response, "Ah, okay.  That makes sense now."

LOL LOL LOL  Needless to say, last night I got online and ordered their Valentine's Day gift.  That's right, each Baker Boy will be receiving a book written by Erma Bombeck.

I think I'll hold off giving any of them..............

"Mother:  The Second Oldest Profession"


  1. You're giving them "Family: The Ties That Bind...And Gag!", right?

