Tuesday, February 10, 2015

One small blog for mankind, one giant leap for me.......

I dedicate this blog to Erma Louise Bombeck

I turned around, obviously more than once, and found that I'm OLD.  I never thought I'd be one of those "old" people who looked back saying, "remember when", "back when I was young",  and the one I find myself doing more and more, "what happened to".  

What happened to common sense?  Yep, it's harder to find these days than a pair of panty hose.  But really who would even want or need to search for panty hose?  We used to be able to laugh at and with those who failed to show good common sense.  Now it's a trait that seems to be absent from birth.  As if it were a gene that someone thought needed to be removed.  Hmmmm, I can hear the conspiracy theorists gears grinding on that one.  It's the government.  They found a way to genetically alter our DNA to remove the common sense gene.  Wow, I think I might have just stumbled upon a great movie plot......

What happened to humor?  Back in the "olden" (I use this term tongue-in-cheek, as everyone knows the olden days was back when our parents were young!)  days, we could laugh at ourselves.  We could laugh with and at others (once again, usually they were the ones that weren't using the common sense factor).  Now it's a crime.  The old adage,  "Sticks and stones can break your bones, but names will never hurt you" has now morphed into, "Stick and stones can break your bones, but names can land you in court with a giant law suit against you".

April 22, 1996 is such a sad date in America history, it's not a national holiday (even though I think it should be), it's not spoken of in the papers, it's not listed in the history books.  It was the date that Erma Louise Fiste Bombeck's living, breathing, physicality left this earth, but her spirit, warmth, and humor will continue to live on.  There are so many things that have changed in the 19 years since she's passed.  I would love to read her witticisms on 1) The Kardashians, 2) Bruce Jenner, 3) Kanye, and 4) the Monica Lewinsky scandal, just to name a dust speck of the OMG's that have occurred since her death.  Where is Erma Bombeck for the masses in 2015?  I keep searching.  You'd think with the ever present internet, the ability to Google ANYTHING, Wikipedia, Bing, and the other bazillion search engines it wouldn't be a hard find, but alas it is.

Erma was for EVERYONE, the masses.  Men, women, teenagers, and tween's.  If you could read, you could love, enjoy, and bond with Erma.  She was my coming of age.  It was the awakening that my mother and I actually shared a commonality, our love and admiration for Erma.  What wisdom and insightfulness she shared with us.  How privileged we were to have had her.  There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't think of her.  Erma to me will forever live high upon a pedestal.  Well, Erma and Linda Bollman.  While I was never able to meet my famous hero in person, I do know and love Linda Bollman.  She is a little Erma personified.  I'll fill you in on Linda later.


  1. Love you Michelle! That was great! Don't ever lose your sense of humor. Or if you do misplace it, look in the refrigerator. That's where all my missing stuff ends up as I get "old" lol.

  2. Have fond memories of Erma too! Remember reading her books in high school! She had an awesome sense of humor. I actually saw your post on Erma's Writing Workshop website and like your blog name! Funny stuff...I can relate. :)
