Thursday, December 26, 2019

Merry Christmas to ALL ~ Well, mostly all........

Ok, I know, I know, I said that the next post would be "Coke Can Man", however,  in keeping with the spirit of Christmas, I should delay in posting it at least one more day. 

I'm hoping that everyone (ok, NOT everyone but the vast majority) had an awesome, stress-free, low anxiety filled Christmas.  I have so very much to be thankful for and am reminded daily, and sometimes hourly!

This holiday season has seen the beginnings of many new traditions.  (Thank you FF!)  Union Station for the Polar Express Pajama Party ~ Yes, #1, Nakita-Bear, Sloane-Baloney, and I ~ BONUS:  we all wore matchy jammies.  Old Navy isn't just for youngsters!

The family got to share our present exchange celebration on the 23rd with #1's loved one and her #1.  (He is absolutely adorable!)  Love seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child (9).  Don't get me wrong, I still get excited seeing Christmas through the eyes of my children ~ lol lol lol ~ 30, 28, 26 & 22.  Yep, they're still my children and will always be.  It was fun to see how excited one son was with his new iron (and I'm not talking a golf) and how excited the 9 year old was with an old fashioned bubble gum dispenser.  The excitement was almost equal.  

We did miss one of my #5's.  Petie wasn't able to make it to our gift exchange because he had to jump a plane for Alaska at the last minute.  He received a call that the delivery had been expedited on his FIRST and GREATEST gift.  He and our beautiful Kyla were blessed with the arrival of their first child, a precious son, Barrett.

Early Christmas Eve morning we loaded up, complete with the husky hyena, Acey, and my purty girl, Maggie, and headed off..... 

~ We Arrived ~

#NewTraditions #ChristFest2019 ~

Skiing 35 years ago was a breeze, but then again it was prior to two titanium screws in an ankle, a partial knee replacement, and a shredded bicep tendon.  Good news, I only fell once ~ it was within 50 ft from the bottom ~ Bad news, I was taken out by a 4 year old named Skyler.  The only thing hurt was my pride.  But a margarita and a Baileys coffee later, I was fine.

Unexpected Blessings During ChristFest2019
  • The steaks, while not cooked the way we had intended, were still edible.
  • You can actually buy hiking snow boots at the grocery store.
  • Winning an 85 to 1 bet #2 & #3 had on me dumping off at the end of the ski lift.
  • Lovely condo, complete with built-in tri-level "Butt Master".
  • Brother's "accidentally" setting up their baby brother on a mogul run.  (The blessing was that he lived through it and made it to the bottom unscathed.)  On a side note, it's 10:42 and he's still asleep.
Until later......

Tell those you love that you do.
Take inventory of all your blessings.
Be a secret, silent, blessing to someone.

No one ever has to whine to get wine, just call me and I'll pour.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Hiatus is OVER.....

Let's see about shaking out the mental cobwebs, wiping off the keyboard dust, and dropkicking this blog back into go mode.........

It's rather ironic that the day I decided to get motivated and jump back into the writing pond is the most dreary, arctic freezing gale, all over ~ nasty day.  Little bonus, it's only Thursday, December 12th and not the fear provoking, legendarily superstitious Friday, 13th.

For those of you "in the know",  I'm good and getting better each and every day.  For those of you who aren't, doesn't matter.....  I'm good and getting better each and every day.  

I'm extremely blessed with (some) GREAT family and (some) Great friends.  If you don't fall into either of the categories, try harder in 2020.  😏

I hope this Christmas season brings happiness, contentment, and peace to everyone reading this.  (And of course, to those who aren't reading this as well......) Feel free to share a link to a friend or loved one who you think might enjoy my ramblings.  What the heck, go ahead and send the link to someone you don't like, maybe it'll be painful experience for them, lol lol lol.  

In the meantime, I've got to run to the grocery.  I've been asked to make Jello-O Shots for an Ugly Sweater party ~

Check back tomorrow for my new posting, "Coke Can Man".

Erma Where Are You?

(I'm not a HoHoHo)