Thursday, April 4, 2019

Go to the source...........

Go to the source.......  

Yes, it might not be the easiest path.  It might cause you to be a little uncomfortable.  Or it might even make you feel off the charts, your heart might stop, you could potentially puke all over, and you can't breath, uncomfortable.  But in the long run, it is always better and should be the only way you go....  

"Go to the SOURCE." 

So let's take that saying back to where it began....  H2O, okay maybe not as far back as the molecular level....  Water.  Go to the source for the best water.  Think about it, if you go to the source, the very beginning where the water originates,  you will ensure that you have the cleanest, purest, best water there is!  If you don't go to the source but rather gather your water further downstream, you're getting water that's been exposed to all sorts of elements.  Think about what elements that can be folks.  That old saying, "Does a Bear chit in the woods?"  Yep, it does.  Along with chit from birds, beavers, fish, opossum, deer, see where this goes on and on and on..... but that's not all folks, they also leave behind their pee, and where do you think those animals go to bath?  Do you really want to consume that mess?  That's a LOT of chit!!

This relates to all aspects of life......  Go To The Source ~ GTTS

You hear a rumor? GTTS
You read something on social media?  GTTS

If you don't go to the source, you going to end up with a bunch of chit mixed in with the truth!

Thought of the day:  Hold those close to you closer ~ unless you are sitting on a bar stool next to a stranger.  You'll want to skip holding them closer.  The police get called, photographs without filters are taken, and there is a very limited amount of people that look good in orange.  Just trust me on this one.........

Monday, April 1, 2019

The New Girl In My Life..........

I have a new love in my life.  Her name is Maggie.  She is definitely my forever.  She is beautiful, considerate, playful, loving, and ~ she loves to snuggle.  But the very best trait of all...... she doesn't shed!!!

For those of you who've read ErmaWhereAreYou before, say in January, you already know that I haven't suddenly become a lesbian, but rather the happiest of puppy owner's.  Maggie is definitely and continues to be a major joy in my life.

We are working hard at training.  She and I have now mastered sit.  She does it with zero effort; whereas I can sit, but not comfortably on a piece of furniture that is extremely low or extremely high.  We know "down", "shake" (both front paws separately), and can make it halfway over attempting the major "rollover".  Both she and I have our own renditions of these.  And for one of us, not naming any names, it's quite comical to watch...... (so I've been told).

Maggie is very sensitive to my moods and feelings.  She's quick to "get it" when I'm needing a little more affection or snuggles but she's completely dense when it comes to say why I don't like or want her tongue down my ear.  Not sure what it is about ears, but this hairy furball loves them! 

I've about crippled myself more times than I can count due to her stealth-like lay mode.  She can sneak up next to me and lay next to my feet all without my knowledge, that is until I'm flying through the air trying not to fall or smush HER.  And then she looks at me with those huge, big, brown eyes that are shouting, "What the heck are you doing?  You look like you're going to kill yourself.  And then who will be here to feed me............."

She's made it to the point where she'll give me a one bark and nod to go out.  Doesn't matter if it's 2:30am.  (I really need to work on teaching her to tell time, but so far those early "outs" are few and far between so I can't hold it against her.  God knows how many middle of the night "outs" I personally have to make.)

She really wants to help.  Take the laundry for example.  No, that's what she does.  She takes the laundry.  From the dirty laundry hamper in the bedroom.  From the sorted piles in laundry room.  From the basket containing all the freshly folded laundry.  You'll find her in a well constructed "nest" of laundry, sometimes it's under the kitchen table, in a corner, in her kennel or in one of the bathrooms.  She likes to mix it up.  Much like the Easter Bunny, never leave it in the same place twice in a row.

One thing I decided early on with this furbaby, she will NOT be the recipient of ANY human table food.  She has lots and lots of treats specific to her breed but she will not get human food from us, the humans in her life.  Benefit, I don't have to worry about her putting on extra weight, BONUS......  I can open and eat cheese right next to her and she doesn't pay any notice of it.  Annie and Acey on the other hand will leave a puddle of doggie spit where they are if cheese is opened anywhere near them.  And when I say, anywhere near them, I mean on the same level of the same building they're in.

We're not sure exactly how large Maggie is going to get.  The vet is taking a "wait and see" approach.  We'll wait until she stops growing and then we'll see how big she is.  Right now, she's weighing in at a lean 23.5 lbs. but she stands as tall as Annie my German Shepherd. 

Up until now, I've boasted on and on about how wonderful she is.  Just like life, there is always a downside to everything.  It's just how accepting of the downside we're going to be that determines if it's a deal breaker or not.  In Maggies case, it's not a deal breaker just a breathing deterrent.  My beautiful, adorable, cuddly baby girl, has the most rancid, noxious, room clearing gas of any living organism I've ever come across in my 55 years!  It's so bad, the other dogs will leave the room.  But it's not all the time.  Her diet remains consistent, so it's not from anything she's eating.  I haven't been able to find a correlation, but I shall continue to strive to do so.  For the sake of all within a 16 foot vicinity of her and her behind.

So, once again.......  Thanks again to my wonderful sons for the most thoughtful, loving gift they could have given me for Christmas.  She's definitely the gift that keeps on giving.

And to those reading this, "May you be filled with the love of family and friends,  may peace and tranquility surround your heart and home, and may real laughter flow from your heart and maybe a little pee down your leg.  Happy April 1st.........."