Sunday, February 15, 2015

Alone in the Pediatrician's Office

Today on "Family Fun-Day Sunday" we all reassembled at the homestead for dinner.  This is not unusual for us - as long as there isn't a baseball game or tournament going on. Today we celebrated more than just the normal gathering.  Today we celebrated #1 son's twenty-sixth birthday.

He's known by several names:  #1, Ben, Ben Michael, Bubba,  and last but not least, Genesis.

It's funny how a nickname is generated.  In this case, all the brothers were sitting around at one of our Family Fun-Day Sunday dinners when one of them, I think it was #4, piped up and said, "Hmmm, you might be #1 but as I see it, we are all a little more special because ALL of our namesakes either wrote sections of the bible or were written about in the bible.  Except of course, YOU"!  (The other boys are Joshua, Caleb, & Luke) Without missing a beat #1 said, "No, No.  I'm in the bible. It's just that they renamed my section.  It was originally named Ben, but they changed it.  You know it by its new common name,  Genesis."

And thereby, the nickname Genesis was born.

Tonight was an enjoyable gathering of: one loving hubby; two girlfriends (the other was absent due to a sorority meeting); three dogs - Annie, Bo Jackson Baker, and OhNo Another Baker (I jest you not, those are their names); four birth sons + one; for a total of five sons (one is a life loaner I consider my own).  Each and every one of them I love - always, guilt - when need, and beat - when necessary.

Thanks to Uncle Obama and #1's twenty-sixth birthday, we are running the insurance gauntlet.  Cobra wants a measly $456 a month just for straight medical - no dental or vision included.  Okay, I'm not going to turn this into a political stand.... this time.....  But it brings me to the topic of today's blog...

Tonight at dinner, we were discussing #1 son's need to pick up individual medical insurance.  He asked if it was okay for him to schedule another physical therapy appointment utilizing our insurance before the end of the month? We said "yes, that it was probably a good idea".  And if he needed anything from his primary physician - he'll need a sports physical before reporting to spring training, he should probably go ahead and schedule it before asap.

Ben, along with all the other Baker boys continue to see their favorite doctor.  They have a comfort level that surpasses the patient / doctor relationship.  Over the past seventeen years, my sons have formed a friendship with their doctor.  (I don't know of any others that take in baseball games together.) I don't foresee Baker boys EVER leaving Paul Lively's care.  That wouldn't be too unusual except..... he is a PEDIATRICIAN.

When Ben was 18 and in for his pre-college immunizations,  (Ben is a complete woosie when it comes to shots.  He and a buddy went together for moral support!  Thanks again Jesse - aka Jessica Ann!! ) he asked Dr. Lively at what age he was going to have to switch to another doctor.  Dr. Lively asked if he found someone he'd like to switch to?  Ben looked at him with total dismay and said a heartfelt "NO, I don't want to find another doctor.  I'm comfortable with you.  Everyone in your office is nice.  You've known me since I was little.  Your shots are okay, as far as shots go!  No!!  I definitely don't want to find another doctor."  Paul laughed and told him he didn't have to switch. He'd be glad to see him as long as he wanted to be his patient.  Paul joked that Ben could one day schedule his well patient checkup when he schedules his children's.  Ben took it to heart.

Eight years later, Ben's in the office to be seen for a sinus infection.  A new nurse comes to the door and calls for Ben Baker.  Ben walks up and she asks where his son is.  Ben laughs and says, "I am the son.  I'm the patient."  She laughs and apologizes.  She had no idea.  The best is yet to come!

1 comment:

  1. Ben and I are mutual shot woosies! That day, the nurse had to take my blood pressure again AFTER I got the shot to get a normal reading. Maybe I wouldn't have been so worked up if I hadn't spent some time before the appointment gloating (slightly) about not having to be the one getting a shot. Needless to say, I was wrong and Ben was amused. lol.
