Monday, December 10, 2018

Great Story.........

While surfing through FB, bobbing and weaving through the political garbage  and hateful tirades I saw something that really resonated with me..... Thank you Noel for sharing the video.  The video was about a gentleman by the name of Rock Thomas, a motivational speaker I had not ever heard of before.  Not that I could name any motivational speaker, I'm one of those people who abhors the whole "self help" movement (including but not limited to books and groups).  Rock Thomas said, "You can have a great story, or you can live a great story".

What a great quote!!!  It's so much better than the popular bumper sticker of the 1980's that read, "Shit Happens".

I want to live a great story!  It's never too late.  You can start living it today, after all what do you have to lose?  Time is still going to move forward, whether or not you do.  I went to college with an incredible guy, Gene.  He was 70 something, retired, and a full time student.  He was fully vested in college life.  He went to sporting events, dances, and was even a participant in the Student Government Association (which was a student voted electoral position).  Everyone on campus knew him, and he knew everyone. 

Gene wasn't shy about telling people he never had an opportunity to go to college when he was younger.  He served his country, came home and got married, had children, and then worked hard to support his family.  Gene said the only regret he ever had was never going to college.  When he retired he said it was the perfect time for him to go, after all what did he have to lose. 

I'm not sure how many degrees Gene ended up getting, I do know there were several.  When I left, Gene was still going strong...... 

I know that so far I've been working on a great story, I'm excited to see what the next chapter will be.


  1. I completely agree with living a great story! I admire and feel a kindred spirit with Gene already. Much love from Kuwait! I’ll be checking this blog on the regular. Thanks for the invite!

  2. XOXOXO - Be safe. Hopefully I can put a smile on your face. Feel free to share!
