Monday, December 5, 2016

Hot Babe in a Bikini......

Out of the mouths of babes.....  Well, once they were babes.  Sweet, cute, adorable, precious little ones who loved and idolized their momma.  Now they are grown (sometimes stinky, sometimes hairy) men, whose brains forget to filter thoughts before it exits their mouths.  They can put their proverbial foot in their mouth as effortlessly and quickly as I can put a Hershey Bar with Almonds in mine.

Case in point, I'm on a new Lifestyle Change Journey ~ courtesy of my new endocrinologist.  It's not just a dietary change.  (Which is pretty significant since I have had to give up: dairy - ALL dairy - except for a little cheddar cheese now and then, flour, corn, soy, - almost the entire starch family - soda pop, no carb/low carb)  I am changing how, when, and what I eat.  As well as how, when, and what I do to exercise - daily.  I'm now taking yoga and cardio classes and am trying to find a local tai chi class.  (If you know of one north of the river in KC, let me know.)  Now back to the point.......

Because of this new Lifestyle Change I am utilizing all my resources to help keep me in line and able to achieve this endeavor.  I post LIVE FB feeds. Because I have been asked to.  That's right, my path has inspired others to make modifications in their lives as well.  I have a handful of "friemily" (friends who are so close that they are your chosen family) that I have on speed-dial.  When I'm standing on a carb ledge and ready to jump, they calmly talk me down.

Positive reinforcement for me comes from verbal feedback from friends, the way my clothes fit, what the scale shows, and photographs.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not jumping for joy with current photographs (that will come in time).  I'm talking about photographs pre-my loving sons.  You know before they absolutely destroyed my body (with my permission).  And here is where paragraph one ties into this long winded conversation.  I pulled out a photograph that I really liked from years gone by and put it on the refrigerator.  I'm putting a pic of my fridge below so you can tell that this photograph wasn't the only one front and center. My fridge looks rather chaotic but it's covered in LOVE.  I know where this special pic is and it positively reinforces my food selection before I open the door.

Needless to say, one of my sons (I shan't say which one as he is still recovering from the trauma) sees the new pic on the fridge and says, "Wow, who's the hottie in the bikini?".  I think he's kidding, so I respond with "Really".  He says, "Seriously who's the gorgeous girl?".  "ME!!  It's ME son!!!"  And that's when his mental trauma begins.  "Oh my gosh, the girl, the girl I thought was sexy was my mom.  ARGHHHHHhhhhhhh".  Remember paragraph one?  "... brains forget to filter thoughts before it exits their mouth".  Who the heck did he think I had put on the fridge?!?!  Needless to say, the picture immediately came off.

For now I'll stick to positive reinforcement from my friends.  But this is fair warning to ALL my SONS.....  One day there will be a NEW CURRENT photo of me on the refrigerator, in a bikini!!!  BE PREPARED

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