Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Davis Tears Syndrome

Davis Tears SUCK, sometimes!  If you come from the Davis side of the family, you have a 95.9% chance that you are going to suffer from the debilitating condition termed Davis Tears Syndrome.  It causes you to cry over a myriad of situations and scenarios.  It doesn't differentiate between anger or happiness.  It will hit you for either or both.  This definitely is NOT a condition that lends itself to fair fight arguments either.  It's hard to make a valid point when you are having to do so through a stream of pouring tears.  And when you're already a sensitive person and you suffer from Davis Tears Syndrome....................

I never really thought much about Davis Tears Syndrome.  I've always had it. You just accept it and go about life.  We used to laugh that I had gotten it from my dad.  He and I used to cry while watching old Shirley Temple movies, or listening to music, or watching a stupid Hallmark commercial, or reminiscing about loved ones who had passed on.   You can imagine what it's like when something REALLY unsettling occurs!  I never thought much about it growing up, it just was.  My Grandfather Davis also suffered from it.  I remember walking out of the last movie we ever saw together, "Savanna Smiles".  My Gram was exclaiming what a nice movie it was and my Grandpa was shaking his head in agreement as his hankie was blotting his red rimmed eyes.  And me, I was just a snot drenched mess.

Now remember, I mentioned earlier that the tears flow for happy, as well as joyful, exuberant, sad, and mad and angry and hurt.  Or a combination thereof. Case in point: My wedding day was one of the most wonderful days of my entire life.  I was marrying the man of my dreams.  I could not have been more thrilled! As my father and I stood alone in the back of the church waiting for our music cue to start our walk, I looked him in his tear filled eyes and that started me going.  And when I say going, I mean going......  From then throughout the ENTIRE ceremony.  I'm talking through all the Who Do's,  I Do's and We Wills. Through the kiss and the Mr and Mrs introduction.

Following the ceremony, our entire wedding party stood in a receiving line on the steps of First Presbyterian Church to greet everyone leaving.  This is also the time that my hubby was getting to meet most everyone in attendance for the very first time. (Remember, I'm STILL blubbering - those Davis Tears are still flowing freely!) It was at this point that a sweet little old lady, she must have been one of my gram's friends, leaned in for a big hug and whispered into my ear, "Honey, are they making you marry this young man?".  Startled and more than a bit in shock I responded, "Oh my goodness no!  Why would you even ask such a question?". Her response, forever branded in my brain, "Well honey, I've never seen a bride cry throughout her entire ceremony.  It got me to thinking that maybe they were forcing you!".  I then quickly told her that I suffered from Davis Tears Syndrome and I cry when I'm incredibly happy too.

It wasn't until I connected with my cousin Melissa (thank you Facebook!) that I found out that Davis Tears Syndrome runs rampant in our family.  And that the Ben Davis portion of our family was not the only members to actually call it Davis Tears!  It permeates our entire trunk and all the little branches of our entire family tree. While I've never actually seen a Coat-of-Arms for our family, I'm thinking the design would have to incorporate the outline of the great state of NC, the mountains of the aforementioned state, a symbol for family and most DEFINITELY giant teardrops.

So if you suffer from this condition, welcome to the family!  Somehow, somewhere we must be related.  And don't worry, Davis Tears Syndrome is not fatal.  Just remember, you need to keep yourself hydrated,  you'll never know when the next bout will seize you.  :)

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