Friday, March 27, 2015

San Diego Anyone?

No, I didn't fall off the face of the planet.  I just landed in San Diego.  I was invited to go on a "Girls Trip".  Not to be confused with a "Bama Babes" trip.  How great was this going to be?  Five wonderful days in sunny California.  In 51 years, the only times I'd been there before were for brief periods during layovers on my way to the even sunnier Hawaii.  This had the earmark of super cool.

The trip participants consisted of me, my friend Ria and her daughter, the beautiful JennaBanenna, and her delightful friend Molly McButter - whose superpower I found is talking - nonstop, from morning throughout the entire day and night - yes, she even talks in her sleep! (The names might have been changed to protect the innocent or they could have just been altered because anyone who knows me knows that when I really like someone I tend to give them altered names.)

The only plans we made before arriving were 1) the hotel - Ria's loving hubby decided the one that we needed to stay.  I have to admit the Loews Coronado was an incredible location.  Coronado Island is definitely highly recommended - by me, now.  2) I rented us a beautiful brand new Mustang convertible.  Now you have to remember that I have a family that consists of myself, my hubby and my fabulous four sons.  I really didn't think the whole convertible thing out well.  All I was thinking was soon to be teenaged girls would love the car, beautiful weather, and a great view to sightsee.  What I wasn't thinking was: wind through soon to be teenaged girls hair, sunburned shoulders, and most of all WHERE ARE WE PUTTING ALL THE FLIPPING LUGGAGE?????  (More about that in a bit.)  And finally 3) I got online and signed us up for tickets to attend the taping of American's Funniest Home Video's.  Granted it was in LA but what is a measly two hour and fifteen minute drive when you are already so close.  Besides, it was supposed to be a beautiful drive up the coast and there was so much potential for sightseeing to be done there too.

We arrived safely in San Diego.  We all managed to get our suitcases without issue.  How I ended up with the most is still beyond me.  I usually pride myself on my ability to pack light.  (Okay, Colleen, I know I packed a little heavy for France, but my God, it was France!)  I think my over indulging had something to do with the fact that when traveling with MY family I'm lucky if I get to pack three different pairs of shoes - tennis shoes, dress shoes, and flip flops.  And then I have to justify the reason for bringing so many.  So, I figured, girls trip - I'm going to splurge.  I brought two and one suitcase consisted of nothing but shoes and makeup.  In actuality I only ended up wearing three pairs - tennis shoes, dress shoes, and flip flops.  And I don't know why I even bothered to bring a makeup case.  I'm really not sure why I even have a makeup case.  I used what I normally do: mascara, under eye concealer, and lip gloss.  I guess I could have left that suitcase at home. Oh well, lesson learned.

It was on the car rental shuttle bus that I heard the first of many "girl screams".  I think I levitated six inches straight out of my seat.  But when I glanced fervently towards Ria - she was calmly looking out the window - Another little scream, I was expecting to see great volumes of blood spurting from a huge gash in one of the girls.  But there was none.  Just the sight of two almost teens with their heads bowed together, sharing something they had seen on Instagram.  I have to admit, there might have been a slight spike in my blood pressure.  But Ria's calmness was almost zen-like.  I'm not sure how she is able to tune it out, but she does.  I was able to witness it first hand a couple more times over the five day period.  I think my neck tick was a give away, Ria sweetly requested the girls tame the screams because Momma Baker wasn't used to it.  (Another reason I love that woman!)

The shuttle arrived safe and relatively sound (all previously mentioned sound bytes considered) at the car rental agency.  After filling out and initialing twenty-five additional pieces of paper - I'm really glad I pre-rented and pre-paid for the car before we arrived.  When we finally finished, he handed me the keys and bid me a safe and fun adventure.  At this point in time the whole luggage issue still hadn't hit me.  It wasn't until I pulled the car forward in order to reach the trunk that the naughty words started forming in my head.  It was also about that time that the theme song for the Beverly Hillbillies started playing in my head as well.  Needless to say there was quite a jumble going on it my head about then.  But with jigsaw'esk ninja powers and a couple of well placed suitcases under feet and stuffed between people, we were able to head to the hotel.

I did learn an interesting fact. How badly someone snores is truly subjectively decided by whomever is actually hearing the snoring.  Example:  my hubby says I sound like a bear, however, my dear friend Ria said it wasn't bad at all.  (Now I not going to point fingers, but I am a little dubious in trusting the man who has been known to wake himself up snoring and blames it on me - the person who is sitting up in bed wide awake reading a book.)

To wrap up this long winded, rambling, often off point post, let me say:  "It was a fabulous trip and hope to have another in the future."

And I am completely and totally blessed to have my fabulous, wonderful, loving SONS!

1 comment:

  1. I want to hear about the rest of the trip in detail...especially the quick jaunt up the 405 to LA for the TV taping. So sorry we didn't plan in advance to touch base as I would love to meet you face to face. Love the mental picture of you driving across the Coronado Bridge ala Beverly Hillbillies. xoxo Joanne
