Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Glenda ~ The Good Witch

Every family has a "STAND OUT".  The overachiever.  The sweetest.  The kindest.  The nicest.  The one who can do no wrong, because they can't even conceive the idea of doing wrong.

In my family ~ not the one that I gave birth to, but the one I was born into ~ that ONE would be my little sister, twenty years my junior ~ Glenda.  She is goodness personified.  I like to equate her to "Rainbows and Unicorns" and her unicorns shit Skittles.  So beware people, if you can piss Glenda off, you will one day burn in Hell.  I've never heard her say a bad word about anyone.  She always looks for and finds some sort of goodness in people.  With regards to the Devil himself she'd say, now Michelle, you know he was once an Angel before he fell from Grace. 

Her name was not always Glenda.  Our father and her mother didn't name her Glenda, I did.  The name they put on her birth certificate was Tiffany Diane.  Let's get this straight right now, I was six months away from turning 21 when she was born.  And I'll be the first to acknowledge that at the time, I was far from happy about her impending birth.  After all, I had been the ONLY daughter for 20 something years.

My first nickname for her was Boo.  (Yep, I was way ahead of time.  It's so very commonplace today, but it wasn't 34 years ago.)  The reason she became Boo was due to fits of crying; exaggerated, embellished and completely theatrical crying.  She would do this when she didn't get her way.  "Boo, boo who who...."  I'd laugh at her and tell her she really had to try harder!  That usually ended with her in fits of laughter.  And that folks is how she morphed from Tiffany to Boo.  It stayed that way until she gave birth to her own first born.

It was about that time the name Glenda came into play.  Unless you live in a very remote, obscure location, in say Outer Mongolia, you should be familiar with Glenda.  As in Glenda the Good Witch.  She and I can each say the same the meaning of the definition of a word or phrase, however, Glenda's comes across with such a sweetness that no one can turn her down, get irritated, misinterpret or get hostile.  I, on the other hand, can simply look at someone and they turn and flee in the opposite direction.  Something about me being extremely intense and very intimidating.  Passionate maybe, misunderstood regularly.  But I think I am very approachable, logical, and willing to listen to another's opinion.  Unless, that opinion is moronic, imbecilic, or just plain stupid.  And none of those issues bothers Glenda, she has the patience of Jobe.

Neither one of us realized how commonplace my nickname for her had become until our father was in intensive care.  It took us a little bit to realize what was happening, all the nurses were calling her Glenda.  They thought that was genuinely her name.

I finally found the perfect sister hoodies for us.  What do you think?

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